Monday, January 17, 2011

Total Recall

How time flies when you're living life. I imagine everyone says that though. It just really hits home when you experience it yourself. I remember a lot of things that have happened, but I've also tried to forget.

I just saw on the Today show where an actress and maybe a few other people in the world are diagnosed with a certain type of memory. It allows them to recall VIVIDLY, almost every day of their lives... people they've met, places they've been, etc.

Yeh, I'd love that... for maybe a week.

What would I do? Among other things, it'd give me time to recall all of the songs I've written. The ones that were on those (gulp) floppy disks that went to my old peavey keyboard; the lyrics on my college computer, although they were probably a bit cheesy at that point in my life. I DO recall submitting a cassette tape (member those too?) of about 50 instrumental songs to the copyright registration office sometime in the early 90's. Hmmm....

Now, only if I could find my copy. I'd love to hear them.

The funny thing is I hear chord progressions or little keyboard or guitar licks that sound familiar in songs on the radio today. I've thought to myself several times: "that sounds just like that song I wrote called ..."

I wish I could put out an actual recall notice to my songs -- like I'm an auto-dealer. "This recall is going out to all of the partial and complete songs that I have started in the past. Please call this number, or better yet, email yourself to me immediately." Wait a sec... just got an email....

Dang. Nothin'.

So I tell ya what. How about I try to recall the creativity? Maybe those songs weren't meant to be remembered? Maybe they were just the practice run of songs yet to be written? It's easy to rationalize when you've got no other options, but THAT'S what I'm going to go with. I'm going to find a way to make sure my MO6 sitting here is more than just a shelf. It's a musical instrument and many-o-songs have been written on keys shaped just like these.

Ooh. Maybe I'll post my songs on here too?!? Ok. Now I've got a plan (and I think blogging may be therapeutic for me=)

Take care and don't forget the music in YOUR busy-ness.

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